Market Price: $0.39
Change Percent: 1.32%


Market Price: $0.28
Change Percent: 3.70%

Our Purpose

We are a purpose-driven organization. At Liberty Gold, our purpose is to discover precious metal resources, to unlock shareholder value and develop communities.

Our Values

  • We place people first
  • We grow hand in hand with the communities around us
  • We build for a net positive impact
  • We lead with integrity, transparency & accountability

Performance: Looking Back – 2022 Goals and Targets

 Group 11
 Group 12
 Group 13
Lost-time incidents (since 2013) Of management are female (33% overall workforce) Spent in 2022 on environmental surveys including water and air quality studies, seed planting and biodiversity studies such as mule deer populations and sage grouse habitats
 GHG Emissions 
  • Conduct baseline assessment & determine potential for carbon offsets
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  • Complete and release formal GHG strategy
Deferred to 2023
  • Investigate appropriate carbon intensity metrics for metals exploration companies
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 Water Management
  • Acquire sustainable water rights for future operations
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 Ecological Impacts
  • Develop greater sage-grouse mitigation plans for Black Pine
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  • Develop a corporate Environmental Management Policy
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 Heath & Safety
  • Zero fatalities; Zero Lost Time Injuries
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  • 10% reduction in TRIF
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 Stakeholder Engagement
  • Implement Stakeholder Engagement database and tracking tool
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 Emergency Management
  • Conduct field simulations of Emergency Management Plan
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 ESG Reporting
  • Release Maiden 2021 Sustainability Report
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 Critical Incident Risk Management
  • Roll out updated and revised Crisis Management Plan
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 Diversity & Inclusion
  • Implement a Gender Diversity Policy
Changed focus to develop on overall Diversity Policy
  • Achieve >30% female Board representation
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 Board Oversight
  • Update Health, Safety & Sustainability Committee Terms of Reference
Deferred to 2023


Performance: Looking Forward – 2023 Goals and Targets

Environment Status
 GHG Emissions 
  • Prepare for ISSB/TCFD reporting for 2024 annual report
  • Complete GHG strategy for release with 2023 annual ESG report
Ongoing (2024 roll out)
 Water Management
  • Improve water usage management, tracking and reporting
 Ecological Impacts
  • Purchase lands for potential sage-grouse habitat mitigation
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  • Provide environmental management system and biodiversity training
On Track
  • Develop a corporate environmental management policy
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Social  Status
 Heath & Safety
  • Zero fatalities; Zero Lost Time Injuries
On track
  • 10% reduction in TRIF
On track
 Stakeholder Engagement
  • Engage Community Relations team and build local and state-wide profile
On track
 Diversity & Inclusion
  • Implement a Gender Diversity Policy
Governance Status
 ESG Reporting
  • Implement ESG data tracking and reporting solution
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 Critical Incident Risk Management
  • Develop enterprise risk management system
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 Board Oversight
  • Update Health, Safety & Sustainability Committee Terms of Reference
On track


2022 Environmental Excellence Award: The Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining is recommending other operators adopt Liberty Gold’s award-winning model.

Utah 2022EnvironmentExcellenceAward groupshot